Sunday, June 9, 2013

Sticking to It

I recently made some magnets for my friend, M. They were like the My Little Pony magnets I made last year, only I used glass pebbles and origami. I met M in Japan, so the origami felt quite appropriate.

Wrapping them was a challenge. I wanted them to look nice when opened, but the gift was going to be shipped across the country. They were going to end up all over the place in the box while shipping.

 I tried using 3M Removable Mounting Squares to affix them to cotton lining the box. They stayed put nicely, but still fell if I turned the box upside down.

I glued the cotton lining to the box next. Perfect. Much to my surprise, even when I flipped the box upside down, the magnets did not move.
They're not falling!

This is my Martha Stewart moment. Wrapping this presentably and functionally may have been my finest crafting move yet. (Of course, I will never attain Martha's level of perfection, but trying is a good thing).